Are you having trouble with your credit cards? This area of the site has information on protecting your identity and on repairing your credit history.
Click here for court information and court forms.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Its primary responsibility is to protect consumers. If you are experiencing a problem with a consumer financial product, such as a credit card, mortgage, student loan, or a bank, the CFPB's website has resources and information to help. You may also lodge a complaint.
Getting Your Credit Back on Track
Explanations and steps you can take to improve your chances of being approved for a loan.
Submit a complaint to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
Do you have a complaint about a financial product or consumer issue? You may submit your complaint to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) about the following consumer issues: Mortgages; Debt collection; Credit reporting; Bank accounts or services; Credit cards; Money transfers; Payday loans; Student loans; Vehicle or other consumer loans.
What You Should Know About Your Credit Report
Answers to some common questions about credit reports, consumer reporting agencies, and credit scores.