Powers of Attorney / Advance Directives

Legal Information

Other Life Problems

Alaska Advance Health Care Directive

An advance health care directive allows you to name someone else to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to make your wishes known, as well as allowing you to give instructions in advance about some treatments. This classrooms gives some background information and covers appointing your agent, providing instructions for treatment options and completing the form.

Alaska Advance Health Care Directive Form

You have the right to give instructions about your own health care. You also have the right to name someone else to make health care decisions for you. This Advance Health Care Directive form lets Alaskans give specific instructions for any aspect of your health care to the extent allowed by law. That includes letting you express an intention to make an anatomical gift following your death, letting you make decisions in advance about certain types of mental health treatment, and letting you designate a physician that you want to have primary responsibility for your health care.

Appointing an Agent

An advance health care directive allows you to name someone else to make decisions for you if you are unable to make your wishes known, as well as allowing you to give instructions in advance about some treatments. The information here provides information about appointing your agent -- the person who would make health care decisions if you aren't able.

Completing a Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) is one type of advance directive that allows you to authorize another person to act on your behalf. POA's are not just for people who are sick or old. If something happened to you and you ended up in the hospital, how would your bills get paid, or your other personal business taken care of? This series goes over the Power of Attorney form, including the options allowed and walks through filling out each section

How to Select an Agent or Trustee

Advice on choosing who should be your Power of Attorney, Personal Representative, trustee, or Advanced Health Care Directive agent.

Power of Attorney form

This booklet contains the Alaska form for a Power of Attorney and instructions.

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