This area of AlaskaLawHelp contains information and resources dedicated to tribal governance and tribal courts.
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Alaska Tribal Court Directory
ALSC has published its 2022 version of the Alaska Tribal Court Directory. For the first time, it includes information on all 229 federally registered Tribes in Alaska. It is a tool for advocates to better access and use the justice systems Tribes have been operating in Alaska for thousands of years. is a project of Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC). The website provides Alaska’s Native Tribes with resources and information about tribal courts, tribal adoption, and participation in state court ICWA proceedings.
Directory of Federally Recognized Alaska Tribes
This list of federally recognized Alaska Native and American Indian Tribes includes contact information, address, phone, and fax numbers.
Native American Rights Fund
The Native American Rights Fund is a non-profit law firm that is dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide. It focuses on the following areas: the preservation of tribal existence; the protection of tribal natural resources; the promotion of Native American human rights; the accountability of governments to Native Americans; and the development of Indian law and educating the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues. Check out their website to see the important work they do. Includes a link to the National Indian Law Library, through whose website you can stay current with the latest developments of Native American Law.