Alaska Legal Services

General Contact Information

1016 W. 6th Avenue
Ste. 200
Anchorage, AK 99501

How to Get Help

Phone Number 907-272-9431

An application for services must be completed prior to meeting with an attorney. Applications can be picked up at the office, downloaded from our website, or we will gladly mail, fax, or email an application to you.

Who We Are

Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) is a private, non-profit corporation that provides free legal assistance on civil matters to low income Alaskans.  Please visit the ALSC Contact Us page to help find which office would best serve you.

What help can I find at ALSC?

·         Legal information,

·         Self-help materials,

·         Legal advice,

·         Legal representation by an ALSC attorney, and/or

·         Referrals to pro bono attorneys and other legal providers.

What kinds of problems should I call about?

·         Domestic Abuse

·         Family

·         Housing

·         Health

·         Money Problems

·         Public Benefits

·         Alaska Native/American Indian issues

·         Assistance to Seniors

·         More.


What does ALSC not handle?

ALSC does not handle auto accidents or personal injury cases and does not take criminal cases (including traffic citations).  Because we are funded by the Legal Services Corporation there are some additional restrictions on certain other cases.

How can I get help from ALSC?

You must apply for services before we can help.  Contact your local office to request an application, or visit our website to download an application.  Applications can be mailed, faxed or emailed to you, or picked up in person at your local office.

In general, applicants must be US citizens or eligible aliens, with a household income below 125% of federal poverty guidelines.  Consideration for applicants with incomes below 200% of federal poverty guidelines is made on a case by case basis.  Income restrictions do not apply for Seniors 60 and over, however priority is given to those with greatest social and economic need.

How can I get more information about ALSC?

Check out our web site at

Who We Serve

  • Statewide
Income Guidelines

ALSC can serve clients with household incomes up to 125% federal poverty level and up to 200% federal poverty level in certain circumstances. Seniors are generally exempt from income limitations, however priority is given to those with the greatest social and economic need

Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? YES
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? YES

Type of Help

This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources:
  • Self-Help Materials
  • Full Legal Representation
  • Brief Advice
  • Pro Se Legal Clinic
Last Review and Update: Sep 04, 2024
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